牛津大学研发的疟疾疫苗看上去似乎有可能成为一个对抗疟疾真正有效的疫苗。这是一种高效疫苗,有望在未来几年挽救数百万人的生命。It looks increasingly likely Oxford University's malaria jab is the real deal — a highly effective vaccine with the potential to save millions of lives in the coming years. 在西非进行的、由450名儿童参与的试验已表明,接种完三剂疫苗后一年内的保护效力约为75%。Trials in West Africa involving 450 children had already shown three doses of the vaccine gave around 75 percent protection for a year. 新试验结果显示,完成全程接种12个月后注射加强针,可将保护期延长一年,疫苗的保护效力达80%。New results show a booster dose at 12 months extends protection for a second year at up to 80 percent. 科学家计划在未来几周内向世界卫生组织提交数据,这是为了让疫苗获得批准。Scientists plan to submit data to the World Health Organization within weeks, with a view to getting the vaccine approved. 牛津团队与世界上最大的疫苗制造商印度血清研究所合作,并表示明年至少可低成本生产1亿剂疫苗,让世界许多最不发达的国家都有机会用此疫苗对抗疟疾。The Oxford team has partnered with the Serum Institute in India – the world's biggest vaccine manufacturer – and says at least 100 million doses could be produced next year at low cost to make it accessible to many of the world's least developed countries.